Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It’s a mass….but 99% not cancer

So we went to my daughter’s appointment today with the urologist. The doctor was very vague. We don’t know what it is…but 99% sure it is not cancer. So where do we go from here…..MRI…yep…my 10 year old will have an MRI in the next 7-10 days. I hate this…I talked to God and want off the ride…but no…not yet…my ticket still has a few more spins.

Other than that…life here is pretty slow. I have been very tired the last few days. I am not sleeping well. I think part of it is from worry, part of it is from fatigue from worry and the other part is just bad sleeping habits.

We are going to try to get out of town this weekend. We are thinking about possibly going to see my folks and just spend some time with them. The girls will be with their Dad all weekend…so it will be good to get away.

I am worried about another fellow blogger….Iris. She has not updated her site in almost two weeks. I am praying things are OK with her.

I am also concerned for a blogger that I have really come to enjoy his posts. Pipe – here’s praying that things went well today.

Hope everyone else is OK.



Liv said...

Stay strong--you all are going to make it. I know how scary having your baby being MRI'd is. Trust me, a 2 AM brainscan with the threat of a spinal tap on a 10 month old is harrowing. That said, I know that God provides--even in situations that seem impossible and unfathomable. Keep your baby close to heart and God bless! xoxo,liv

Shionge said...

My thoughts and well-wishes are with you LIsa, take care and stay positive.

Luv from Singapore