Saturday, April 15, 2006

I'm back......

Well, world it has been a crazy couple of weeks. This will probably be quite a long post, but then again, maybe not.

First of all, I have to say that I have been away for many reasons. One is because work has been so busy, but I really don't want to talk about that. Second has been because I have been trying to work out some home issues, but I don't want to talk about that either. Lastly, is because I have been dealing with my stress by working out. Good thing here is that I am learning to pound out my frustrations and such on the treadmill and weights...bad thing is that I have paid a trainer to make sure that I keep with it. That is bad because I paid a lot of money to have him work me over...the good part is that he is good at his job. I am feeling better I have lost about 1.5 % body fat and gained about 6 lbs of muscle. That is good.

Another issue that I have had is with my ex. He is not doing anything in particular, but his attitude is just making me a bit crazy. I keep getting mixed reviews from the girls about how things are going at their Dad's house. On one hand I really want them to be honest, but on another I really don't want to know all the bad things. One of my biggest fears is that one day they will grow up and blame me for not protecting them in some way shape or form. Another fear I have is that one day their Dad will tell them that it is my fault that we got divorced. However, he was the one that had an affair and in the process of trying to move past that I decided that I couldn't get over the fact that he had been with another woman. In addition, I had met someone (now my dear husband) that treated me well and I wanted to get to know. I gave him one condition of reconciliation...stop seeing her and get a new job (because they had met while working together). He didn't stop seeing her right away (which is what I wanted) nor did he look for a new location to work. Therefore, I decided I couldn't handle it. The trust was forever broken and I just couldn't move past that. I have since forgiven, but I know that one of the reasons he tried to reconcile with me was because he wanted to be able to blame the breakup on me later. He never had the intention of leaving his girlfriend, but he can always go back to "I tried to work it out but your MOM, didn't!" Anyway, I am really struggling with those issues now.

Another reason that I have been gone is because our other home computer has died. NO WORK NO MORE! We have ordered another one from Dell, and we still have our laptop, but when you have 4 people in a house and they all want computer time it is hard to schedule it all out. Hopefully the new one will be here around Monday-Tuesday of this next week. We will need to move the old information off of the computer and I think a guy at our church can help us with that.

Our kitty Diva had surgery on Thursday. She got all four feet declawed (vet's recommendation) and spayed all on the same day. I feel so sorry for her, but I know that both procedures are for the best. You see about a year ago my hubby and I spent about $6,000 redecorating our living room. New floor, new paint and new furniture. Well, I was not going to have Diva ruin it with her claws. We got her a scratching post and also tried to train her, but al in all she was happier tearing up the rugs and had tried to star on the furniture. Well, after a lot of soul searching we decided to have her declawed. In addition, while she was under we had her spayed because that is just good practice. I have to say that for a kitty that was just found outside in a tree she has been a really good addition to the family. She is now very welcome to roam about the house where before she was confined to a room when we were away.

Let's see what else is going on in our life. Well, my youngest lost another tooth pretty much by force on Thursday. She was fighting having it pulled and does have another one that needs to be pulled, but I'll let that pass for a bit.

My oldest has her solo tomorrow. I know that she will do well, but like any parent I get nervous for her even though she does not get nervous at all.

That is about it for now folks. Hope everyone has a great Easter.


1 comment:

Nicki said...

Hope you had a nice Easter, Lisa!