Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What LOST is really about

OK I have to say that I haven’t watched LOST since the first season. However, I did happen to catch the update thing they did a couple of weeks ago to get you all caught up for the season finale (yes final with an E). I was not really that into it to begin with, but now they have added more characters and layers so that even if you thought you knew what was going on you really didn’t.

Let’s start from the beginning. You are supposed to believe that all these people survived this explosion of a plane in air and survived long enough to end up on a island where nobody can find them…..essentially they are LOST…..ha ha ha…then you learn later that they are no longer the only living creatures (notice I didn’t say humans) on the island…

So you are basically left hanging wondering if they are ever going to get found after being LOST or if they are forever stuck on this island…now here are a few of my theories….NONE of which are even probably close to correct….

  1. We have a Dallas moment at the end of the series when one of the characters wakes up to find out that they just had the most awesome intense dream ever and every one of the people in the show are somehow related to them or involved in their life in some way…

  2. We find out that they are really stuck on an island and that the “others” know about how to get off the island, but because they need baby reproducing machines (i.e. women) they are not about to let them go….only to find out later that they are really just about 12 miles of the coast of some mainland and have been a basic science experiment all along.

  3. We find out that some rich dude has paid to keep them on this island to fulfill his own weird fantasy of people being thrown into a survival situation and he watches it as if it is his own personal reality TV show.

  4. We find out that Weight Watchers and Nutri-System all have been secretly video taping all the survivors on the island and are going to use the video to show how they are able to help people lose weight be being stranded on a deserted island….however they will not show Hurley because even after three seasons he is still the same size!!!

  5. We find out they are all in purgatory and that God and Satan are playing a game of checkers with their eternal souls and when one of them says “King ME!” someone else dies….

That is about all I got….sorry for the lame post!

Check back because I’m also going to do a post for Slick (Manly scents from Bath and Body Works) and EC (Post its).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And the Winner is...

What LOST is really about.

I've been gone a few days because of the long three day weekend...which actually was four days for me...because I took Friday off. I got no kids tomorrow so I will post the brilliant post as to what LOST is really about.....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It’s that time again…

I have several ideas for a post, but am not sure what I want to write about…so I’m going back to another post and am letting you pick what you want to hear about :

  1. Why American Idol Sucks
  2. What LOST is really about
  3. Super Sticky Post It’s vs. Generic
  4. Bath & Body Works (New Scents for Men)
  5. Turn on the Radio….wait I need to say something first….Turn on the Radio

So Which one will it be?

It’s time for all you lurkers to post a comment and let me know!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

American Idol Tonight

Will I be I happy with the two finalists....NO. I wish that Melinda was still in it and I honestly think that the producers did a little tweaking and "fixed" it so that it would be Blake and Jordyn. I am not sure who will win....but being that I live in AZ I will be hoping for Jordin.

Another thing I hate these commericials....Its OK to its not....come on now....that is the stupidest tag line ever....and Dr. some of his advice and I hope he got paid a load of money to do those commericals.

Another commerical that runs here in the Phx. area that makes me nuts if for a strip club. It is called Babes Cabert.....and it is so stupid. Meet me at the 44th street office....oh you mean Babes are calling it the 44th street office...all of this is done via office email...between guys in the office....OMG if this was really done in this day and age...HR would be all over that so fast....stupid commericial...

OK...I'm Done!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Almost End of May

Here it is the 21st of May and I realize that it has been a while since I have posted anything of significance here on my blog. I really don’t have an excuse other than to say that I am not really sure what happened. Everyday I thought about posting something and then the day got away from me and I got tired and decided that I would do it tomorrow.

Well, today is that tomorrow. I am here and I am going to post something…I’m not sure what yet, but something….

Let’s start with Friday night. I got home after a long hard day at work. My boss’s father passed away, the owner of the company’s wife was expecting a baby and my ex and I got into a huge fight over stupid braces for one of our children. Long story short I was not in a mood to go out. I was tired, had a headache and was overall in a bad mood. However, I got up, showered, changed clothes and headed out to meet some friends for a few drinks and to catch the Suns game….they lost…AAAGGG and it was such a good game. However, they were just emotionally and physically spent and I have to say that if you are a Spurs fan…shame on you or shame on the Spurs. They played dirty the whole series and the suspension of the two Suns players and basically no punishment for the Spurs was just wrong.

Anyway, beyond that it was a great time on Friday after I got up and moving. I went to the sports bar and started drinking and kept drinking right through the game…into the entertainment and it was just a blast….I was home early though…

On Saturday morning I did what I had needed to do for a week….I slept in until about 10 am. The only reason I woke up is because I had to let in a delivery man that was dropping off the mattress for my daughter’s new bed. Then I got up did some laundry, cleaned my house and got ready for the day. Ended up in downtown at my daughters cheerleading competition and spent about 4 hours to many there.

Got home took the girls out to see Shrek the Third (don’t waste your money, wait for DVD)…came home…got sick…spent all of Sunday in bed nursing an upset tummy….

Came to work today…that has been my life lately…go go go….

Hope all is well with my fellow bloggers…

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Phoenix Suns

They lost last night...and shouldn't have...root for them on Friday!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Can it still be called Spring Fever...

if it is over 100 Degrees outside?

Well not really that hot, but it might as well be...but the nights the nights are gorgeous....

Alas...spring/summer time has arrived in AZ. When you love when the sun goes down, but when it is high in the sky it is so hot.

I love AZ most of the time, but this little transition from winter/spring/summer is always hard. I hold so tightly onto the cool winter days and the warm spring nights that when summer starts to show its ugly head I usually run inside and drop the thermostat about 10 degrees.

I think that part of why I haven't been blogging much lately has to do with the fact that I am trying to soak up these last few days of cooler weather before the on slaught of three digit temps hit our please forgive me while I soak up some cooler nights and warm days and I'll be back when 100 degrees is normal..

Have I said how much I love AZ????

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Blah blah blah blah BLAH

My life is BLAH....i have nothing fun to write about....

I will hopefully return soon....

If not...miss me until my life gets interesting again!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Interview Me!

EC and Slick had interview me posts on their blog...I was brave and decided to let each of them give me five questions to answer....see below...

If you want to be interviewed by me...let me know!

EC asked:

If you could be on one reality how which one would it be?

I would love to be on Survivor, but not because I want to win the money but because I think it is going to be the only way that I will ever lose the weight I really want to lose. Hey call me crazy, but I think that losing weight like that could be a good thing for me…LOL

What is one goal that you want to reach in life?

The one goal I want to reach in life that I haven’t done already is to retire early enough to be able to enjoy life still. I had kids pretty young and I am looking forward to a little ME time…LOL

Do you have any siblings and what are they like?

I have one brother and we are a lot a like. We have the same sense of humor and same beliefs. He is a true cowboy through and through and he is a great husband and father. One thing I can say about him is that he will always tell you exactly what he is thinking and why he is thinking it….no hold barred with that one.

What is your favorite time of year and why?

My favorite time of year is Christmas time. I love to see all the decorations in the stores, I like buying the presents, I love hearing the music in the streets. The only thing I miss is that there is no white Christmas in AZ….and there never will be ;-(

Do you see yourself being married to anyone else but your husband?

I plea the fifth!

Slick asked:

From a females perspective, tell me why there are so many bad women drivers.

Women drivers are not bad....Men drivers just don't understand that at 51% of the population we actually do own the road!

As you well know, I'm about to be married. (No, I will not give you my phone number). This is my second time around. What advice do you have for me?

Run away!!! Just kidding.....listen to what she has to say...REALLY listen...because she might just be trying to save your life/ego/pride....and she also holds the key to how much sex you will/won't have!!!

You're sitting at Taco bell when you suddenly hear the big hairy man next to you fart. You look at him and he winks back at you and asks for your phone number cause "You're one hot broad!". What do you say or do?

I wink back and say I got one better!

In your opinion, what are the 3 biggest weaknesses men have? The 3biggest strengths?

I have to stop at three biggest weaknesses of men??? I think the 3 biggest weaknesses of men are being stubborn, being macho and thinking they own the road (see answer no. 1)

I think their three biggest strengths are (no not their tubular man appendage SLICK)! When they open up and share their true feelings, admitting that they really can't fix EVERYTHING, and realizing that women do have brains!

Finish this sentence.... "Slick approached me with his pet tarantula and stuck it right in my face....."

See I know this would never happen as SLICK is afraid of anything with more legs than he has!