If you want to be interviewed by me...let me know!
EC asked:
If you could be on one reality how which one would it be?
I would love to be on Survivor, but not because I want to win the money but because I think it is going to be the only way that I will ever lose the weight I really want to lose. Hey call me crazy, but I think that losing weight like that could be a good thing for me…LOL
What is one goal that you want to reach in life?
The one goal I want to reach in life that I haven’t done already is to retire early enough to be able to enjoy life still. I had kids pretty young and I am looking forward to a little ME time…LOL
Do you have any siblings and what are they like?
I have one brother and we are a lot a like. We have the same sense of humor and same beliefs. He is a true cowboy through and through and he is a great husband and father. One thing I can say about him is that he will always tell you exactly what he is thinking and why he is thinking it….no hold barred with that one.
What is your favorite time of year and why?
My favorite time of year is Christmas time. I love to see all the decorations in the stores, I like buying the presents, I love hearing the music in the streets. The only thing I miss is that there is no white Christmas in AZ….and there never will be ;-(
Do you see yourself being married to anyone else but your husband?
I plea the fifth!
Slick asked:
From a females perspective, tell me why there are so many bad women drivers.
Women drivers are not bad....Men drivers just don't understand that at 51% of the population we actually do own the road!
As you well know, I'm about to be married. (No, I will not give you my phone number). This is my second time around. What advice do you have for me?
Run away!!! Just kidding.....listen to what she has to say...REALLY listen...because she might just be trying to save your life/ego/pride....and she also holds the key to how much sex you will/won't have!!!
You're sitting at Taco bell when you suddenly hear the big hairy man next to you fart. You look at him and he winks back at you and asks for your phone number cause "You're one hot broad!". What do you say or do?
I wink back and say I got one better!
In your opinion, what are the 3 biggest weaknesses men have? The 3biggest strengths?
I have to stop at three biggest weaknesses of men??? I think the 3 biggest weaknesses of men are being stubborn, being macho and thinking they own the road (see answer no. 1)
I think their three biggest strengths are (no not their tubular man appendage SLICK)! When they open up and share their true feelings, admitting that they really can't fix EVERYTHING, and realizing that women do have brains!
Finish this sentence.... "Slick approached me with his pet tarantula and stuck it right in my face....."
See I know this would never happen as SLICK is afraid of anything with more legs than he has!
Ha...that's my girl. #5 was a test question, you passed ;)
Great answers girl! Thanks playing along
Great answers from both of us!! I loved when you told him to run away - I vote for that also!! :-)
We don't own the road?!
I'm going to go do something manly now.
Oh come on…what do you mean men have weaknesses? I though they were invincible and all mighty. : ) Ok, so I lied. They just think they are.
You can interview me... I enjoyed the last set of questions someone sent me... I'll do it again, it makes me think!
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