OK I have to say that I haven’t watched LOST since the first season. However, I did happen to catch the update thing they did a couple of weeks ago to get you all caught up for the season finale (yes final with an E). I was not really that into it to begin with, but now they have added more characters and layers so that even if you thought you knew what was going on you really didn’t.
Let’s start from the beginning. You are supposed to believe that all these people survived this explosion of a plane in air and survived long enough to end up on a island where nobody can find them…..essentially they are LOST…..ha ha ha…then you learn later that they are no longer the only living creatures (notice I didn’t say humans) on the island…
So you are basically left hanging wondering if they are ever going to get found after being LOST or if they are forever stuck on this island…now here are a few of my theories….NONE of which are even probably close to correct….
- We have a Dallas moment at the end of the series when one of the characters wakes up to find out that they just had the most awesome intense dream ever and every one of the people in the show are somehow related to them or involved in their life in some way…
- We find out that they are really stuck on an island and that the “others” know about how to get off the island, but because they need baby reproducing machines (i.e. women) they are not about to let them go….only to find out later that they are really just about 12 miles of the coast of some mainland and have been a basic science experiment all along.
- We find out that some rich dude has paid to keep them on this island to fulfill his own weird fantasy of people being thrown into a survival situation and he watches it as if it is his own personal reality TV show.
- We find out that Weight Watchers and Nutri-System all have been secretly video taping all the survivors on the island and are going to use the video to show how they are able to help people lose weight be being stranded on a deserted island….however they will not show Hurley because even after three seasons he is still the same size!!!
- We find out they are all in purgatory and that God and Satan are playing a game of checkers with their eternal souls and when one of them says “King ME!” someone else dies….
That is about all I got….sorry for the lame post!
Check back because I’m also going to do a post for Slick (Manly scents from Bath and Body Works) and EC (Post its).
I sat through about 10 minutes of one episode.
I just can't get interested!
I vote for number #2 or #3.
#3 would be awesome! But it doesn't explain the crash... was it just fate that brought them to that island or did the forces in #2 or #3 make the crash happen too?
I like this Weight Watchers®™©™/Nutri-System®™©™ conspiricy theory.
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