Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It’s that time again…

I have several ideas for a post, but am not sure what I want to write about…so I’m going back to another post and am letting you pick what you want to hear about :

  1. Why American Idol Sucks
  2. What LOST is really about
  3. Super Sticky Post It’s vs. Generic
  4. Bath & Body Works (New Scents for Men)
  5. Turn on the Radio….wait I need to say something first….Turn on the Radio

So Which one will it be?

It’s time for all you lurkers to post a comment and let me know!!!!!!


lioux said...


Angel said...


And I guess I'm with Lioux. I stopped watching Lost after season one when they were just going on and on and on... no answers.

So, do tell, what the hell IS IT really about anyway.

Liv said...

Although I have a number of ideas myself, I'd love to hear why YOU think AI sucks...

Anonymous said...

Well, if it'll get me laid more....I need to know about new scents

The "natural" scent is going over very well....

Anonymous said...

duh... "isn't" I meant

Erin said...

I go with the sticky posts!!

Sorry I haven't been to visit, you accidentially got taken out of my bloglines when I was screwing around one day and I never noticed!!

I'm so sorry, and now bloglines is down - don't let me forget to put you on, lol...