Monday, April 23, 2007

You Vote....I'll write

I have been out of town the last few days (Thanks to Slick for asking about me)!!!

I have several stories from my most recent trip and have several blog titles that I would like to tell me which one you want to hear first...

1) My date with the Lego Man

2) You Ain’t Never Had a Friend like ME!

3) Tortilla Joes and Ian

4) One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila FLOOR

5) My pretty little flowered fingernails...and Indiana Jones

Voting will end tomorrow morning. This is the chance for all you lurkers out there to speak up.....come on you know you want to!


Pynchon said...

Gotta be "My date with the Lego Man".

Andrew said...

One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila FLOOR

I'm an alkie so its only natural I want to live precariously through your writing! LOL :-P

Kim said...

I'm with Andrew... 4) One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila FLOOR

Matt said...

chalk another one up there for "Date with Lego Man". I'm truly intrigued by this title.

Erin said...

Definitely 1 and 4 - c'mon... spill the beans :)

Anonymous said...

5, 4, and 2.

Of course, if it has some sexual innuendo in #1, I'll pick that one first.

Flamingos & Flip Flops said...

Gotta hear the "Date with Lego Man"

lioux said...


I Love, Love, Love this idea of "Pick Your Own Post".

You should make it a regular feature here on Ladybug Hill.