Thursday, April 05, 2007

I'm sure there is a way

I keep reading about bloggers who are "backing up" their posts from the last year, two years etc. I want to know how to do that.

My fear is that one day Blogger crashes and all my bits of worldy wisdom that nobody has ever read will be lost to the masses, I mean me and I will never again figure out how I got from Laughlin to Disneyland in three steps or less. Or that some great guy named JERRY helped me fix my mailbox lock or that my kids taped me singing Karoke and are still threating to put it on You Tube...

All of these bits of me would be lost FOREVER, FOREVER I tell you. And what would the world be if you didn't have ME....LOL.

So I am appealing to all these know your there...I see you...all my regular readers (hello all 4 of you) and anyone else who wants to help an insane lady out.....




Anonymous said...

Don't look at me...I've already lost 2 whole sites. Seriously!

I'm pitiful

Ally said...

in blogger, under settings, under the email tab, there is a blogsend address ... every time i post, the post is automatically emailed to my email account.

pro - that's my backup.
con - it does not send modified entries.

lioux said...


What about all MY comments?!

Would those be lost too?!

WE need to figure this out LAB.

Angel said...

I wish I could help you but I have NO CLUE how to back up a blog! LOL!

Sorry chica!

Anonymous said...

Hi -- just surfed on from BlogExplosion.

I copy my posts onto my word program or notebook and I can file them into folders. Then I just stick in a disc and copy to the disk every few days.

Yes blog sites go down but your computer may crash also so put them on a disc.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Hey? Today is the 9th girl.