Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Shopping Day

Today was a shopping day for me. Unfortunately, I am not one of the lucky Moms out there that can shop during the day while the kids are in school, or the hubby is at work. I am a working Mom. Not that I have a thing against stay at home mom (SAHMs). I think they are great and I give them so much credit because I know I couldn’t do it. However, I sometimes feel that I have two full time jobs my work job that pays the bills and keeps the heat on and then my MOM job, cleaning house, doing laundry and so forth. This job sometimes takes more time and effort than my normal 8-5 job.

So today was a shopping day for me. Usually on Tuesdays I can get out on my lunch hour and hit one of the big box stores (Wal-Mart, Target, etc) and pick up those things that do not require refrigeration. The dog needed food, the cats needed food, my kids needed food, and I am sure hubby would enjoy some nourishment as well. So I head to Wal-Mart, and I learned a very valuable lesson today do not go there without a list. You will spend more than you intend to and you will feel guilty.

As I was browsing the pet aisle looking for dog treats and cat food I saw this huge water container. One of my biggest pet peeves about having three animals is always having to refresh the water bowl. When it gets empty our baby cat will find his way into the bowl and sit there for hours. So I bought gigantic water container. New treats for the dog because the ones they usually have are gone…

$100 later and I leave Wal-Mart.

Now here is my MasterCard commercial moment

New Dog Treats ……………. $7
New Container for Cat Food …….$15
New Water Bowl for Pets……….$28
Not having to change the water everyday……………priceless.

This new little water thing is really cool and now I will only have to change/refill the bowl every two-three days. I have posted a picture here of what I bought….it is great.

Well, DramaMama asked me to post more and believe me I am trying…but my life is pretty boring. Other than writing about trying to find the perfect purse or how badly my kitchen smells because nobody bothered to rinse out their cereal dish…I live a pretty mundane life….well except for that spicy affair I have twice a year with the Italian love god…LOL…j/k.

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Profile Pic

Ok....so I did it...I decided to update my profile and add a pic so that those of you crazy enough to read my blog....which is probably like three of you....can see what the crazy lady behind the ladybug looks like.

So yes...that pic is me...in all my glory...LOL. Actually my daughter took it and a friend of mine "warped" it or whatever she called it...stripped it or something. She is pretty much a self taught professional with all the fancy language to boot....I just call it...Black and White...apparently there is another name for it....

So I have added two new phrases to my extensive vocabulary/slang talk lately. The first is chippie....shall I define chippie for you. A chippie is a girl/lady who is hunting for boys/men, but only for a good time. I coined this phrase after many beers and a trip to a comedy club with some friends on Friday night. Needless to say....there were A LOT of chippies at this bar.

The second phrase/word I have taken as my own is hold please. Man you do not know how handy this little phrase can be. I thought about it a bit because I use this all day long in my job to shut people up long enough to find what they are still talking to me about over the phone, but can't quite figure out what they want to say. So I always tell them...very politely...hold please. Did you know that you can use this on almost anyone....and face to face is even better because they are so shocked that you have asked them to hold they actually SHUT UP long enough for your brain to process 99% of the junk they are spewing....it is great...try it.

OK...that is the end of my rant for today!


Thursday, January 18, 2007

OMG….such a long time and not enough time to update….

OK, so the last time I posted here was on January 5th saying I’ll be here 2-3 times a week…well I guess I blew that. I also said I would be going to the gym a couple of times a week…and no…that hasn’t happened either.

Work has been crazy busy. Year end reporting, project updates and overall just getting back into the swing of things has really just pushed me to work work work.

Not a whole lot other than that has happened.

A few interesting tid-bits:

1) I have updated my MYSpace account and met a lot of cool new people
2) I have had a chance to catch up on all of my filing and back logged billing for my business
3) I am in the process of trying to figure out if it is time to make a career change

I’ll keep you all posted…just an FYI …..I am reading all the blogs to the left here…so keep updating.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So much for my 2-3 Times a week

Sorry for not updating more. I have a huge post saved that I keep revising, but just can't seem to get to the end of it. I might have to break it up into several posts.

I'll get back here soon....as soon as life starts treating me NICE!


Friday, January 05, 2007

Seemed like a short week

For some reason I keep thinking that today is Tuesday. I think it is because on Wednesday this week I took the day off to go and pick up my girls from my parents in NM. I think that because of that and coming back to work on Thursday my internal clock is all out of whack. I am hoping that a long rest over the weekend will be just what the doctor ordered?

It is rainy and cold here today. AZ doesn’t get that much rain, but when we do in the winter is usually turns cold. You have to remember also that cold to those of us who live in AZ is about 55-60 degrees. I know we are real wimps.

Today was my first day back at the gym in over two months. The last time I went was before Thanksgiving. It felt really good to get out there and work out some built up frustration. One of my New Year’s resolutions was to get to the gym 2-3 times a week. If I can do that, then I will be happy. I’m not setting a weight loss goal for myself. I’m going to start small and work my way up. I figure if I can just get to the gym that is better than nothing.

Another resolution I made was to blog at least 2-3 times a week. (2-3 seems to be my number this year). I am sure there will be days when I won’t feel like writing anything, but I feel guilty going and reading so many great blogs and not contributing back with something of my own to be read by others.

4th Avenue Blues has become my new favorite blog. I check back there many times a day to see if Andrew has written anything new. He is a great writer and just recently got a new camera for Christmas and has been posting some great pictures and videos. I have to say he has the cutest little dog. He better be careful or I’m going to come snatch her away….just kidding!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I’ll see you on the flip side of Sunday!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 - A New Year

Hello 2007 -------> Goodbye 2006.

I don’t know what everyone did to ring in the New Year, but my New Year’s Eve was rather boring. Where I live there is a high incident of random gun fire, illegal fireworks and drunk driving. Therefore, my family and I usually choose to stay indoors during this night. I just don’t want to take the chance of something bad happening that I could have prevented. I know that this makes me a bit boring and I’m sure at some point I will look back on my life and regret it, what can I say…I’m a scaredy cat.

As I look back on 2006 I wonder about what I have learned about myself and what new things I will come to learn about myself in 2007. One of my greatest accomplishments this year was that I have finally forgiven my ex for all the crap that happened over 5 years ago with the ending of our marriage. How do I know that I have forgiven him….you ask? Well, about two weeks ago we had a different kind of ceremony at church and one of the parts of the ceremony was partaking in the Lord’s Supper. In doing this, you are supposed to pour out your sins, ask for forgiveness, forgive others and thank the Lord for all He has blessed you with. One of the prayers that I have been praying for the last several years every time I partake of the Lord’s Supper is for Him to soften my heart and allow me to forgive my ex. Every time I feel like I get close, but the next time the Lord’s Supper is offered I would always find it in my heart that I had not truly let go of all the anger, rage and hurt that has lingered. Let me tell you…bitterness is a hard thing to let go of sometimes. During this last Lord’s Supper of 2006 at our church I knelt at the alter and was thanking the Lord for all the blessings he had given me and my family for the past year. I thanked Him for allowing my daughter to fully heal from a sickness, for being with me through mediation, for giving me the strength and the power to finally stand up to the person who has been a bully in my life for quite sometime. Then I moved into asking for forgiveness for all the things I had done wrong and sinned against the Lord this last year (this took some time). Lastly, I was ready to say the part of the prayer that would again maybe help me humble myself and forgive my ex. When I got to this part of my prayer (which is pretty standard now) I found that my heart didn’t hurt anymore. My heart was lighter when I thought of my ex. I no longer felt angry or bitter or rage. Instead of praying for the Lord to soften my heart and allow me to forgive I was finally able to pray for what is truly needed…..for the Lord to soften my ex’s heart.

So now, as I move into 2007 I pray every night for the Lord to soften his heart and allow Him into his life. I know that I may never see the fruit of this prayer. I know that I may never be able to witness the change that this prayer will have in his life. What I do know and what has been shown to me over and over again this past year is that the Lord does answer prayers…..IN HIS TIME. Our time table does not matter to God. He does things when He knows the time is right and His will and timing is always perfect.

Do I want to see my ex come to Christ and be a Child of God? Yes. However, I do realize that I may not see the fruits of this until after I have passed from this world. God tells us to love our enemies, to forgive those that have forsaken us. I can tell you that from experience, when you truly forgive….your heart is opened to more insight and thoughtfulness and LOVE than you can ever imagine.

Make 2007 Great!
