After I got off work, I went to the store to buy some comfort food so that I didn't have to cook for myself when I got home. I got some really bad food from the prepared section of the store, you know where the food has been sitting under heat lamps all day and the time/date stamp states that it came out of the oven about 10 minutes ago. However, the skin on the chicken is all but nonexistent because all the hydration has been sucked out of it by the heat lamp. (Think Joe vs. the Volcano when Tom Hanks says "You look terrible, Mr. Waturi. You look like a bag of shit stuffed in a cheap suit. Not that anyone could look good under these zombie lights. I, I, I, I can feel them sucking the juice out of my eyeball. Suck, suck, suck, SUCK... " ). That is what the food in this area of the store looked like. So against my better judgment I immediately asked for a corn dog and a fried burro. Neither of which my system is used to having on a regular basis.
I also pick up a carton of macaroni Salad that looks like it has sat on the shelf for about a month. No, there will be no problems with this meal. What was I thinking.....
Anyway, I get home and my dear husband has left me with a job to do. One that I didn't ask for and really don't want to do...take care of the kitten he found outside.
The day before he went out of town he found a kitten in the tree by our house. Brought her inside, washed her all up, bought a ton of supplies to "keep" her and then promptly left for a comic book convention in the greater San Francisco area. Ms. Diva Superstar (as I have come to call her over the past three days) decides that she has not had enough attention since we all have jobs and such to go to since she has been found. So I come home to a kitten crying for attention.
Now by my nature, I didn't grow up a cat person. In fact, I lived out in the country where pets were kept outside and the next day you might see them or you might not depending on how well they fended against the "darks of the night!" So, having a pet in my house is not something that I ever wanted. Granted over the last 5 years of being with my husband we have "tried out" various cats and I have to say that I am STILL not a cat person. I would love a dog, but my husband is really not up for that.
Anyway, Ms. Diva Superstar wants attention...OK, I say come to the bedroom with me and we will watch TV and eat junk food. I get all my stuff together and head to the bedroom...Followed by a crying kitten. Now, I am not heartless, I did pick her up and pet her and love on her and even bought her some toys at the store...Thank you. However, she wanted more attention now. I loved up on her and played with her and eventually got a nice little cut from her claws on my finger. Then I was ready to eat....and she still wanted to play. I sat up to start my fat filled, vomit inducing, cardiac stopping meal and she attacks my back. Just jumped up and attacked me from behind....OUCH!
I thought in my mind that kittens were like babies, if they are crying make sure they are clean, feed and loved and then if they are still crying, leave them to there own devices and eventually they will calm themselves down...NOPE not this DIVA! She followed me around the house underfoot all night. Finally, after attacking my remote control and trying to pounce the flowers on my PJ's I put her in a bedroom and shut the door. Here is a pic of said Diva.....

Anyway, after putting her away I was able to eat my crappy and now cold food. I watched "Cruel Intentions" and waited for hubby to return from his trip. I made it to about 11:30 when the Sandman visited my pillow and I was out. I really, really tried to stay awake, but alas it was not meant to be.
It was a relaxing night once Ms. Diva Superstar was put to bed. Unfortunately our home is only three bedrooms and all are occupied at the moment. She has been sleeping with my youngest daughter, but she has only been here three days. I won't allow her out by herself because she is just a kitten and I have brand new furniture that I don't want torn to shreds. So she will be "caged" so to speak in a bedroom while alone in the house.
Hope all have a great weekend!