Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A short explanation

Well, it has been a while since I've been here and while I don't want to give a lot of details I have to say that my marriage is in jeapardy and also my mental state is not good.

I have learned some things recently about my husband that have left me feeling betrayed, lost and alone.

I will still be blogging and hope to be back to it soon. I still read each of your blogs daily. I comment sometimes and then other times I don't. Know that I here reading and enjoying your stories. Please be patient with me while I figure things out.


Andrew said...

I will be thinking of you and wanted you to know I still read every time you post. Hang in there and know your blogging buds are supporting you.



Erin said...

Awww, ladybug!! I'm so sorry to hear what is going on... please know that you can always write and chat if you need to :) I've been there and I can relate, but we'll be here when you get back!!!

lioux said...

I visit everyday.

Please know I'm going through a very tough transitional period as well.

[[[EXTRA Big Bear Hugs]]]

Angel said...

Girl, take your time! You don't need to read nor comment at my place:) Just fix yourself sweets.