Wednesday, March 08, 2006

100 Things about Me

I got this idea from Nicki at Living in My Mind. Thought I would steal it and post it on my blog. No blog is complete with out a 100 Things list...or so I've been told.


1. I am 29 years old
2. I am the mother of two wonderful girls
3. I am on my second marriage
4. My first marriage ended because of infidelity
5. Infidelity was his not mine
6. I realize I played a part in the break up of the marriage
7. It took a lot of counseling to get me to admit that
8. I still live in the house that I was in when my marriage ended
9. Yes, my dear husband is here with me….
10. I have self esteem issues even though my hubby tells me I’m beautiful daily
11. feel like my Dear Hubby is my soul mate
12. I feel like my Dear Hubby is my soul mate even when we fight
13. I struggle with being a working mom
14. I struggle with the guilt of raising two daughters and not imposing my self esteem issues on them
15. I work as an accountant
16. I love the company I work for…but I don’t like numbers anymore
17. I am a reality TV junkie
18. My favorite reality TV program is Blow Out
19. My second favorite reality TV program is Project Runway
20. I see the cup as ½ empty most of the time
21. I am working on seeing life in a more positive light
22. I have two tattoos
23. My first tattoo was a right of passage when my divorce became final
24. Both of my tattoos have ladybugs
25. I believe that ladybugs are good luck
26. I have not read this anywhere, but believe it is true
27. I am a Christian
28. I am a Christian with two tattoos
29. I do not think my having tattoos makes me less of a Christian
30. I have a strong faith in God and Jesus
31. I feel the strike of Satan everyday trying to break this faith
32. struggle with having to fight off the doubts that are placed in my mind by Satan
33. My family has two cars
34. One is red and one is green
35. I drive the red car
36. I have a personalized license plate that says LATIBUG
37. I don’t remember how I cam up with that spelling for ladybug
38. I have lots of guilt associated with letting people down
39. I struggle with trying to please my parents
40. struggle with trying to please my parents even though I am 30 years old
41. I struggle with trying to please my parents even though I am 30 years old, married and have two children
42. I am typing line number 42 now
43. I love movies
44. I love most movies, but don’t like Aliens or Predator type movies
45. I own 262 DVD’s
46. I am not proud that I own that many DVD’s
47. All those DVD’s do get watched on a consistent basis
48. I am a new aunt. My brother and his wife had their first baby in November
49. My brother chose the name Lauren because my oldest daughter liked it best
50. I love being a new aunt, but hate being so far away
51. I live 10 hours from my closest family.
52. I moved away because my ex husband’s job moved us to AZ
53. I love AZ, but wish my family was closer
54. I fear that I will not be able to move closer to them because of my ex
55. I fear that my ex will try and take the kids if I try to move back home
56. I am tired of living in that fear
57. I met my husband on an on-line dating site
58. He was the second person I met from that site
60. I knew that we would be married after our second date
61. My parents do not know this is how we met
62. I graduated with my Master’s degree last May
63. I am currently not working in the field that my Master’s degree is in
64. I do not think I will ever work in that field, but that is OK
65. I currently have an office where I work, but I feel like the guy from Office Space because they keep moving things into my office
66. Soon I will only have a path from the chair at my desk to the door of my office
67. I have a door on my office that I can’t close
68. I like to sew
69. I sew very badly
70. I would like to learn to knit
71. I hear the knitting takes concentration and skill have neither of these abilities
72. I am on number 72 and not sure what else to write
73. Last summer my husband and I ripped up all the carpet in our living room
74. We did this before we knew what we wanted to replace it with
75. We replaced it with Pergo flooring…my parents drove 10 hours to help
76. I love my Pergo Flooring
77. My favorite place to buy shelving and entertainment centers etc is IKEA
78. I could go broke in IKEA and it is an hour away from me
79. I recently discovered that IKEA has a website that you can order things from
80. My husband has blocked this site from the computer
81. I am not smart enough to unblock it.
82. My favorite color is red
83. My kitchen is done in red apples
84. I painted a wall in my dining room red on a whim
85. I liked it so much that I painted the rest of the wall into the kitchen that same color
86. I find painting therapeutic until it comes to cutting in
87. I have a husband who likes to sketch
88. I hope to someday be married to a famous comic book artist
89. Yes, this would be the same person I am married to now
90. I have faith that this dream of his will come true
91. We have one cat…that DH found in a tree
92. Her name is DIVA
93. The vet things she is part Maine coon cat
94. I think she is part PITA cat
95. She loves to play
96. She is only about 4 months old
97. I am going to have to revise this list at some point
98. I don’t like hateful people
99. Some people in my immediate family are hateful
100. I struggle with having to like them


Nicki said...

I'm not sure how I missed this...but I did!

Aren't these lists hard to do?

I want Pergo Flooring!!

Nicki said...

Oh! Sorry to hear that. We never have much luck with them either.