Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A new day

I want to apologize for it being so many days since my last update. Seems like about the time I get ready to update the blog something happens and I just don’t get a chance to do it. Since my kids have come home from their vacation at my folk’s house we have been busy playing catch up and also just enjoying time together. I think I missed them more this year than any other year that they have gone to their house.

I have picked the next book for Bookworms. It is a book I read about three years ago. It is really good and inspiring. It was part of Oprah’s book club when she was still doing that several years ago. I have included the link to Amazon if you want to purchase it from there.

I have also been bad about updating Connections. I just can’t seem to really get into the daily posting. I will get it up and running more consistently this next week as I have a couple of days off and will be spending time with my children, but also will be taking care of some tasks like this.

Did any of you read about the guy who more than a year ago traded a red paper clip for something else and eventually ended up with a house? How crazy is that that he was able to trade something so small for a free home. I believe his blog is located on Blogger and it is really worth a look at what he went through to get this home.

I have also been checking all the blogs to the right here on a daily basis. It seems like most of us are enjoying the lazy days of summer. I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized that there is less than 4 weeks until my kids go back to school. I love having them out for the summer because there is a lot more free time, but having the structure of school work and such in the evening is good. We are able to really structure our days around that. My oldest daughter has asked to start riding the bus on her own in the mornings from our home this next year. She is 10 and will be 11 this fall. I am torn. My DH thinks that she is ready for the responsibly, but I am not sure. She is still a little girl in my eyes, even though her body is changing and she is growing up. I am sure I was about her age when my parents started leaving me at home alone to catch the bus to school, but I am just not ready for that. We will have to discuss it more before the school year starts.

Well, that is about all that I have been doing. Keep updating the blogs. They are my daily therapy in my crazy world.



Shionge said...

How nice to see you back....:P

I know where you are coming from coz no matter how old they get, they'll be our babies forever.

Tyjen said...

thanks for stopping by my blog!

Beth said...

I have been in the same boat as you...it has been hard to find time to post anything..even though there is a ton of things going on our life right now. Sometimes I just don't even know where to start.

I read that artical about that guy that is pretty crazy, but good for him.

Well hope all is well. Talk to ya later.