So some of the blogs that I visit are so neat and great and I love reading what people have to say about their life. However, one thing that has fascinated me in the last few weeks are this blinkie things people have on their blogs. Each of them usually has a saying or words of encouragement or in some case rude comments. Each is flashy and grand and I WANT THEM. So after much aggravation of trying to figure it out I did what most normal people with 1/2 a brain do....I ran a google search for blinkies. Now, I must only have 1/4 of a brain because I didn't think to do this sooner nor did I ask anyone on these great blogs for HELP. Heaven forbid that I can't figure it out myself.
So, I run this google search and about a million and a half hits comes back. I found such neat things and I wanted them all. However, I restrained myself to only a few and will probably add more as the weeks go by. Anyway, to all of you talented enough out there to create them from scratch...CONGRATS. I can't do it. However, if you would like to "share" the areas that you got your blinkies from I would welcome the opportunity to go and check out those sights.
Have a great day!!!
Hey! On my site, just click on the blinking things it will take you to their site which is I looks like you've got it figured out. You're way ahead off me, I'm still having trouble making a list of my blogger friends. Ha! Hope you're doing well. Take care.
I'm addicted to them too. I've found a couple of them that I'm going to put on my site when I can get around to it. I've also been making some. It's crazy how addicting they can be!
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