Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday July 31, 2006

I guess I owe an update here on my blog to all my readers (I don’t know how many there are, but I know I have a few).

Things here have been busy. I guess this whole summer has been busy, but especially of late things have just snowballed into a huge mess of hurry.

School starts in about a week and a half. I am so ready for it to begin again because at least during the school year there is structure and a more consistent schedule as well as an expectation of what is to be done in the evenings. Right now the kids are getting restless and are just about to drive me and themselves nuts with boredom. Oh well, the joys of summertime.

Another issue that has been taking a lot of my time lately is the state of our finances. I don’t know why, but recently I just seem to be obsessed with getting them in order. I don’t like having debt. In fact about a year ago we refinanced our home and paid off all of our debt except some student loans.

Anyway, I am on a trip here and have been obsessing about every little penny. In addition there have been a couple of issues that have happened in the last six months and we have some more credit card debt that is just eating away at me. I know that we can pay it off fairly quickly, but I was hoping to get some money stashed in savings. To top it all off, we got hit for a charge that is not right in our checking account for the trip my husband took earlier this month. Now we are waiting for the hotel to research the charge (7-10 business days) before we know if we are going to get that money back or not. If it is not one thing…it’s another.

I have also being thinking of my grandmother a lot lately. I don’t know why. It has been almost 5 years since she passed away. She passed away the same year I got divorced, actually she passed and 4 weeks later my divorce was final. Two painful events in the space of a very short time. I think the reason that I have been thinking of her is because I was going through some old boxes this past week and found some letters she mailed to me in college. I read a few of them and most were of what was going on in her life and what they were doing on a daily basis, but something about them left an aching in me that I have not felt for her before. I guess it is just old emotions coming up.

Well, I am at work today. I don’t want to be here. Not because I don’t like what/where I am. I just wish I could have slept better. I’m having a heck of a time getting to sleep at night. Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of having summer vacation and must do the daily grind every week. Why is it that I can go to bed at a decent hour Friday and Saturday nights and wake up at 6 am ready to face the day on the weekend? However, during the week my mind just won’t shut off and I am up watching History channel or a movie until midnight or so. Then I am exhausted the next day. I don’t want to start (again) taking any type of sleep meds. About a year ago I got addicted and had terrible withdrawals when I finally came off of them. I thought about talking to my doctor about it when I go for an appointment I have in a week or so. Not really sure though!

Well, that is enough of my ramblings for now. Hope all is well.



Liv said...

isn't it just life in general that is so stuff-filled? i know you miss your grandmother. i still remember addressing a wedding invitation to my dead great-grandmother before actually remembering that she wouldn't be able to come. it still pains me that she felt so close, but i clearly couldn't come to grips with reality. now it's over 8 years later, and i still miss my nana. as a fellow insomniac, i'd suggest trying a little lavender essential oil at your temples. it really puts me out! (that or bourbon!) xoxo,liv

Andrew said...

I just wish you could trade places with me for a few days albeit without the mental illness and alcoholism. You would have idle days to browse the internet, read that latest novel you wanted and just lay about and relax. The kids could play in my huge backyard and cajole with the neighborhood kids as well. I hope things get better and less stressful. Your stories of your grandmother brought back fond memories of my own. She was my rock of Gibraltar. Take care of yourself and know that there are those of us out here that care about you and your well being very much.

