Monday, June 26, 2006

Dentist Day

Today was the day that I dread twice a year. The day that I go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. To be honest, most of the other years in my life I would have found a reason not to go. I would have postponed it until I was unable to handle the incessant calling from the dentist office and then finally go in.

However, these last couple of years of being married to my new DH has taught me a few things and one is that you can not neglect your teeth forever and still expect to have them when you are older. Therefore, I have really tried these last couple of years to get my kids and I on a routine where we go to the dentist every six months come he** or high water. Well, for me today was that day.

I woke up with this knot in the pit of my stomach because I knew that today’s cleaning was going to be more difficult. You see in February of this year my oldest daughter and I did something crazy. We got braces together. Now, grated I am almost thirty - **** years old, but I wanted nice straight teeth. I had braces when I was younger, but did not wear my retainer nor did I have my wisdom teeth pulled when I should have. Therefore, my teeth moved and all the $$$ my parents spent on braces went down the drain. Not completely, I mean my teeth aren’t horrible, but I wanted that straight, white, bright smile that you see on all those commercials.

I get to the office today and I am already mentally preparing myself for pain. I know that cleaning teeth with braces takes more time and energy and also can be more painful. I have to say that it was painful because I had just had my wires changed about a week ago and my teeth are still reeling from that, but to have someone in there scrapping and clawing at bits of stuff on my teeth and in between the brackets makes for some really ugly noises inside my head.

An hour later I was done. I was told that my teeth look pretty good, but I needed to brush a little better in a couple of places. All said, it wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be, but in my head it sounded awful.



Shionge said...

Hey Lisa, I used to detest going to the dentist but somehow my D have influenced me coz he visits our dentist regularly and such nice teeth.

I want to share with you too that here in Singapore, all schools have a dental clinic so all the children get free dental treatment. As for myself, I get dental reimbursement from my company so it doesn't cost us alot.

Do you pay a lot for the braces?
Can you post a picture for us :P?

Flamingos & Flip Flops said...

I too hate going to the dentist! I think my dislike stems from when I was about 7 I was having a cavity filled and the dentist hit a nerve while drilling... Now I have to suck it up and put on a happy face when I take my daughter for the first time...Ugh-the things we have to do.