Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm back with an update...

I guess I owe you all an update as to what is going on as it has been two weeks since my last blog entry and the most I said was that I was dealing with family/personal issues. I do want to apologize to those who have come here looking for an update with nothing to read. I’ll try to explain in the simplest form what has been going on with me and my life lately.

First of all, about two weeks ago my ex called to talk about a few things concerning our children (two girls ages 10 and 6). One thing led to another and the discussion got out of control and ended with him basically telling me that he is just buying time until our oldest daughter is 14-16 to make the decision to live with him. I have always been scared that she would make the decision to live with him and leave me. I don’t know why, but I just hate that he still has this hold over me. Add to this stress, the stress of money issues we are having and my world is turned upside down. Not to mention the fact that I want to go see a lawyer about what to do about some issues that we are having with our youngest daughter and her going to her step-mothers’ house.

I have decided on two things so far in this situation. One, that I am going to see a lawyer to just see what my rights are in regards to the visitation/custody situation. Two, which I am going to go see my therapist again because I need someone to unload on that, is not my husband or my parents. They love me and mean well, but sometimes you just have to have an objective third parties input. I just need a place to put all of these emotions and right now placing them on my husband/parents is not a good thing.

Also, my work is going well, but I’m starting to realize that I am over-qualified for my job. They really need someone here who is entry level and I am not that. So, I have a decision to make here as to whether or not I really want to stay at my job or if I should just move on. I have been here almost a year and I do love the people I work with, but I just wish it was more challenging.

I don’t know why I feel so stressed right now about these things, but I really do. I know that I am stronger than I think I am and I do know that going for legal action is the best choice right now. I just need the insanity to stop. I need the threatening phone calls and name calling to stop. I need to know that I have rights at the mother of these two children and that I am doing the right thing for them.

Other than these few things, which is a very simplified explanation of what is going on, there is not a whole lot more going on in my life.

I would ask those of you that read my blog to pray for me and my family. Pray for strength for me to do what is right and to know what is right. I would also ask that you pray for protection for my girls as they will still have to go to their Dad’s until this whole issue is figured out.

I am hoping to get back into blogging on a regular basis here pretty soon. I like having a place to put all my thoughts and also it is a fun place to come and read what is going on in others lives.

Thanks & Blessings,



~Crystal~ said...

Know that I'm saying a prayer for you right now. Just trust. Easier said than done, I know, but don't forget it.

I love your new layout. It's awesome! And I can't wait til you are blogging more regularly.

Shionge said...

Hiya - just dropping by to tell you I've read your journey and thanks for sharing.

Just want to send some cheers and encouragement to you and that soon, you'll see the glass as half full and not half emptied.

Luv from sunny Singapore :P