Saturday, June 10, 2006

I have a confession....

I was one of the millions (perhaps billions worldwide) that bought the new People Magazine with the Angelina and Brad pics of their new baby. I have to say after going through the whole magazine and seeing the pics they make pretty babies. However, I just fear that this child will suffer the effects of a broken home like most babies in Hollywood.

The one thing I can say is I completed the crossword that is located in the back on my own...LOL

Guilty pleasures are GREAT!


~Crystal~ said...

Girl, you are not alone. I couldn't wait for it to come out. I bought groceries last night & one of the first stopsn I made when I walked in the door, was to see that magazine...But the didn't have them yet! Ggggrrr...So, today we were out with my parents & I got them to stop by the book store & as we were parking, I noticed that I didn't have my $ with me.:(
So, now hopefully I'll get it tomorrow.

Nicki said...

Hee! I had to giggle at your 'confession'. I was tempted to buy it, but was able to fight the urge. LOL!

Good job with the puzzle!