Sunday, March 18, 2007

Covering a Broken Heart

Something has happened in my life that I can't really talk about or write about. It is something that has left me with a broken heart and no real way to mend it or fix it. I am not sure how to get over this bit of hurt that has come into my life. There is nothing anyone can do to fix it and there is nothing I have done to deserve it.....I guess my best recourse is to just suck it up and deal with the pain.

I hope that at some point I can tell you all about my loss.


Shionge said...

Be strong Lisa...I'll always be here for you :D

ab said...

The biggest cliche there is, and probably the truest, is that time heals our wounds. Here's to a rapid recovery.

Liv said...

Hang in there, honey. I feel you. Honestly, I do.