Wednesday, March 07, 2007

When are we leaving?

My conversation this morning with my seven year old:

“Mom, when are we leaving go to Disneyland?”

“In three days, honey. After you get home from your Dad’s house on Saturday.”

“When is that…in like 24 hours?”

“No, more like 72 hours, or a little more, but it will be soon. Are you excited?”

“Well, I want it to be in 24 hours.”

“We can’t leave in 24 hours, I have work, Daddy has to work and you have school.”

“Can we just leave in 24 hours?”

“No, we can’t because it will not be vacation time yet.”

“But, let’s just leave in 24 hours, ok Mom”

“No, now brush your hair”

“But, if we leave in 24 hours I won’t have to go to school”

“In 24 hours…Disneyland will be closed!”

“Ok, Mom, lets leave in 72 hours!”



Shionge said...

:D Brought a big smile on my face and reminded of my conversation with my kid, thank you.

lioux said...


To be seven again.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone's a little excited! :)

Heck, hide me in your suitcase? I wanna go!

Erin said...

ooh, how fun!! Have a great time!