Thursday, July 12, 2007 Terri

I missed a lurker yesterday and I truly apologize. I have been having issues with gmail the last few days. It has been dumping all of my email into my spam folder. So I have been just skimming through it looking for valid emails. Therefore, I missed this new person...

Terri - I truly apologize! I have visited your blog and it very entertaining. I love the way you write and I will be back for more....

Please hit up her blog and leave a comment!

The Ruddell Times


Terri said...

'tis okay; just resent the email 7/12 12:58pm. Thanks!

Matt said...

Funny, I've noticed the same thing with my gmail account dumping all my comment notifications in the SPAM is definitely annoying, I think I'll need to setup a filter so that they don't get spammed.