Friday, July 20, 2007


Crystal from PinkLucy has a link on her blog for a blog called The Recipe Place. Within this wonderful blog is great recipes that people send in from all over the place I'm sure. There is one recipe that I would love to find and had a few years ago, but have since misplaced. It is for Terra Cotta bread. My aunt gave it to me with three terra cotta flower pots. I thought she was crazy, I mean who bakes in flower pots, but little did I know that it would be the best bread I had ever had.

I have since tried to find different websites that have it and have asked my aunt for it but she claims that she no longer has the recipe either. The only other person that would have it would be my grandmother and she died five years I guess I am just out of luck. But never underestimate the power of Terra Cotta cookware.

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