Thursday, July 26, 2007

I need some help/advice….whatever you can give

I would normally go to my two closest girlfriends for this, but I just don’t want to hear the whole I told you so….and I’m sure some of you here are going to give me that anyway, but please “hear” me out before you decide whether or not an “I TOLD YOU SO…” is in order.

Anyway, I found some communications on the computer the other day that have led me to believe that things are not done. That feelings are not over and that I have been a fool.

How do you admit you made a mistake, if your afraid of failure?

My kids are going to be devastated, my parents will be so upset, and I don’t want to think about being alone.

Al of this is fear I know, but I’m almost willing to stay so that I don’t have to be alone….is it worth it?

I need some advice…..what would you do?


Annabel said...

I don't know what to tell you. Any advice I could give may not be what you need to do. You will have to realize that leopards don't change their spots and you must decide if you can live with your leopard or not. Yes, people can change... but only if they want to change. I hope things work out for the best whatever that may be... either staying or leaving, just know that you will find strength when you need it. I will pray for you.

Shionge said...

Hiya cannot 'escape' the truth but the worries you mentioned about your kids, parents and your loneliness is all so unfounded. With this situation, do you still want to continue this mental torture? Have a clear break, move on and be what Annabel mentioned, you would find strength within yourself rather than suffering in silent now.....we'll be here pal.

Erin said...

Oh hon, I've been there... done that... do me a favor, email me and I will spill all of my dirty little secrets about this. It sounds as if you are in a very similiar place and I would love to talk it over with you!! You can lean on me if you need to :)

Brianinmpls said...

Never do anything because you fear you will be alone you are worth more then that. if you want to chat more

Augs Casa said...

I'm not sure what to say to you because I do not know the whole story. I will tell you not to be afraid of anything. As for being alone, you won't be alone, you have your kids. If your friends and family do not understand your decision, that's just plain sad. You have your friends here for support. Like everyone else feel free to email me if you want to talk.

Angel said...

No, it is not worth it to stay.

Think of it this way. The hardest part is simply leaving. Once you do it, the rest is easy.

Once you leave and get out of the shadows over your head then you can work on rebuilding your life.

It's like letting go of a rope and freefalling.

But, if you let go of the rope, you may freefall briefly, but your friends and those who love you will catch you and it will be ok.

Trish Ess said...

I'm a little late.. took me a bit to make my blog rounds... but just so's ya know..

There's no such thing as "I told you so" here.. mostly 'cause I've never told you.. and I rawk at listening. whenever you want. m'kay?

~ginormous hugs~