Monday, July 30, 2007

Real Men.....Survive I've been on a Discovery Channel kick lately and recently came across a few shows that I have to say have got me hooked AND have hotties....see below:

First off we have Bear:

He is from Man vs. Wild and he is nuts. He gets dropped in the middle of no-where with the clothes on his back and a knife...and some how always manages to find his way back to civilization or find some form of human life that saves him. While I don't think he is drop dead handsome....who doesn't love a man that can make a raft from a coconut and tea leaf. He is a modern day MacGyver!

Next we have Mike:

If you have a Dirty Job, he is the man to do it. In fact I have been looking for dirty jobs around my house that he could come and do....and I have not found any yet. About the best I can come up with is cleaning my stove and I don't think that qualifies! Oh well, until then I will just drool over my TV on Tuesday Nights!

Last but not least we have Les:

He is out in the wilderness alone for 7 days....just by himself. He has no camera-crew, nobody following him around...nothing. I mean this guy must really like himself to be all alone for seven days. However, there is something to be said for not having anyone else around. I mean it's up to you to survive and if you don't...guess what...we will watch it on TV. The new season starts in I highly recommend checking it out.


Augs Casa said...

yeah, I'm a guy, I watch all three of these shows. I really like them too.

Erin said...

Hate to burst your bubble on the man vs. wild thing but it just came out that he really doesn't do all of that. The raft was made for him, he just had to put it together on tv like a bunch of lincoln logs, and he stays in posh hotels overnight instead of where he says he did. Google it, becasue I'm not very good at To me it doesn't really matter, he is good to look at ;)

Anonymous said... should see me when I don't shave for a few days.

I'm rough lookin'. Or rugged...whatever.

JDizzle said...

Love Mike! Funny and he can sing.

Trish Ess said...

Mike melts my socks. :)