Friday, July 20, 2007


OMG...Love my new puppy....but Man oh Man I have forgotten how much work a new puppy is from the start. She is getting better at night about not whining when kenneled, but for the most part she is still a little fireball.

She had a check up the other day and we were told that because of her breed (mixed small dogs) she would probably have at least some of the bad gene traits from each of the breeds. Therefore, they want us to put her on an all natural ok.

So at the vet office they have this special food that is all natural, but an 11 pound bag is like $50. Well, guess what I found -----> premium dog food for about $35 for a 15 pound bag. Now you might not think that is a lot of savings, but $15 a month will support my wine habit...LOL. Guess where I am buying my dog food now!!!!

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