Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My New Renter is HOT!

How cute is this….

Anyway, I just want to know what you think of Michelle’s new hair do. I love it. And I am considering it for my hair….whatcha think?
Charitable Contributions

This last week I was tasked with getting the year-end financial statements and charitable contributions list ready for the yearly board meeting. I do not attend the meeting and only prepare the paperwork needed when my boss asks for it. What usually happens after this meeting is that I get an updated list (usually the list of contributions with chicken scratch notes from my boss) of what charities will be donated to this year and the dollar amounts beside them. To my surprise, this complainer charity was no longer on the list. I am guessing that enough people heard of the complaints and took them off the donor list.
I know that it is really none of my business who this trust decides who/who not to contribute to on a yearly basis. I don’t have any of my money in there and therefore can not say that anyone should/should not get the money that is so generously donated from this trust. However, when I got the list back recently I was more than a little shocked to see that this charity was removed. I just hope I’m not the one that has to deliver the bad news.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A dream so real

I usually don’t remember my dreams that I have at night, but when I do it is usually because there is something profound that has happened in them that make me stop and think about life. Last night I had one of those dreams. Before I can tell you about it I have to give a little background into my life….I apologize in advance if this becomes a long post.
When I was a sophomore in high school I had my first real love. He was a guy that had been dating a girl I knew and I always thought he was a real cutie. Well, after they broke up he and I started dating. We fell in love and got very serious very quickly. Needless to say, I was crazy about him and I thought that we would spend the rest of our lives together. Well, my parents thought that we were getting to involved and basically wanted us to end our relationship, which I did….but I really really really didn’t want to.
Fast forward about 2 years, he and I still talk on occasion, have some of the same friends and just in general keep tabs on each others lives. He ends up having a baby with a girl, who he doesn’t marry and I am crushed knowing that I can never again be with him. Well, about six month after his baby is born he is killed in a car accident. It hit everyone very hard, but my family loved this guy. My brother loved him, my parents loved him, and I loved him. It was a huge and tragic loss for all of us involved. Still to this day I think about him everyday and wonder what might have been if we had stayed together.
Ok, so now to my dream from last night. I was at home and I must have bee late teens or early twenties. I had just got a call that this guy was alive and doing well. He was living with his parents and they were so happy to find out that he really hadn’t died. I was crying and trying to find out how to get a hold of him because I wanted so badly to tell him I loved him. I called his parents house, called a cell phone, called his brother, called everyone I could think of to try and find him.
Finally, he answered the phone and I could see his smile, hear his voice and almost touch him. I was crying in my sleep, I could feel the tears on my cheeks and I knew that he was alive. The next several scenes in the dream I am trying desperately to get to him. I keep missing him at home, work, school or church. Finally about the time my alarm goes off I see him and get to hug him and kiss him. That’s where it ended.
The funny thing is that I woke up with such a sense of peace and longing this morning. I was peaceful because I know that he is in a better place and I feel like he is somehow watching over me. But I longed for his friendship and embrace this morning. I longed to put my head on his shoulder and cry a million tears for losing him, for hurting him for all the things we should have said/done.
I know that this dream can never be real. I attended his funeral, I saw his body in the casket, I sang the songs, and I cried and was devastated by his death. I have forever tried to find that same feeling that we had together and each and every man in my life has come up short. I long for the love and understanding and trust he and I shared, but I know that I will never again find that with him or possibly with anyone again.
One thing I do know is that for one instant in time I was able to love him and for one instant last night I was able to be with him again.
Monday, February 26, 2007

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter…..I CAN

“Mom, I need to make cookies for my class tomorrow.”
“OK, there is a mix in the pantry. Add an egg and butter.”
“Mom, we don’t have anymore stick butter. Can I use this stuff in the yellow tub?”
“Yes, that should be fine.”
30 minutes later
“Mom, these cookies smell funny.”
“What are you talking about?”
“They smell like burnt chocolate.”
“What did you use for butter?”
“The stuff in the yellow tub. You said it was OK.”
“What stuff in the yellow tub?”
“This stuff.”
“I can’t believe it’s not butter…..I guess now I can.”
Not to be used for cooking!
My hands look old

Above is a picture taken today of my left hand. The reason I am posting it here is because I want to know if you think I have old looking hands. I feel like my hands look like my grandmothers. They have scars and marks that make them look old, but also in general I think they look wrinkled and over used…..what do you think?
I’m not a Catholic and I don’t play one on TV

Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. The day that begins lent for practicing Catholics or non-practicing also as I am not really familiar with the religion. However, what amazes me is that each year I have Catholic friends that give up this or that for lent. One just gave up soda, another gave up swearing, and still another internet blogger (Annabelle) gave up internet usage (I would be out on about day 2).
This got me to thinking, what would I give up for 40 days that would be a sacrifice. I really had to think about this because I really don’t have any vices that I feel I could give up and feel like I was gaining spiritual growth from the experience. Then I thought about it….I would give up goofing off at work…and actually work (GASP, Shock,Terror)…I know. I thought about it a lot today and thought about how much more I could get done in a week if I would just give up surfing the net at work, updating my blog at work, surfing other blogs at work, or in general getting off the damn internet.
However, I know that if I did this I would be a total internet hog at home. I mean I can’t complete go without my internet…it keeps me connected to the world. I mean where else am I going to learn that the USB cable I need for my camera is only available through the manufacturing or that Britney Spears has once again lost her mind or that the next Season of Big Love on HBO will start soon. I mean these are vital pieces of information that I must have to survive…..
But I’ve made a decision….for one day (probably next week) I will no goof off for the whole day. I won’t check personal email, I won’t surf non-work related sites, I won’t text message or call anyone of a personal nature….
Thank God next Friday is a half day- ;-)
New Layout
I choose this particular layout because I am going to CA in a few weeks and can’t wait to be on the beach. I know it is going to be cold and I know we won’t be able to swim, but just being on the beach is going to be fabulous!
I have a new post coming about chocolate chip cookies and butter….stay tuned!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Oscar Night

Tonight is the night that we will see 5 African American actors nominated for awards, Jennifer Hudson, Eddie Murphy, Will Smith, Forest Whitaker, and Djimon Hounsou. This is a great thing because now we know that Hollywood is finally staring recognize that the performance is the most important part of the acting and not who’s who of Hollywood.
Right now I am sitting here watching the pre-oscar show. I am excited to see who wins what award and I will probably be up late tonight.
Hope you all get a chance to tune in!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Out of touch
Tonight is GNO (girls night out) for me and a couple of my close friends. We try and do this every month just go have dinner, drinks and a few laughs. I hope that tonight is fun. One of us has done something really stupid in the last couple of weeks (not me) and I think that tonight will be the night we get to give a hard time and put it to rest forever.
Tomorrow I am helping a friend pack and move to her new house she just bought. She is so excited. It is her first home that she has purchased on her own and I am so proud of her. This is a major step in the right direction for her.
On the marriage front, I am feeling BLAH. I think we are making progress, but I just don’t know for sure. There are days that I love him to death and other days that I just feel like I want out. I am going to make an appointment with a counselor this next week and see if I can work out these feelings I am having or at least be able to give it to someone else to handle.
That is about all that is happening in my life. The weather here has turned dark and cold and rainy again. I love AZ, but this winter weather has been odd. DraMa was here a couple of weeks ago (or less than that I think) and luckily she was here during a warm spell. Shortly after she left it got cold again. Bummer!
Here hoping you all have a great weekend. Hopefully my life and my postings will get better and more frequent soon……
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
I wish...
Here's wishing!
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
And i say it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And i say it's all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And i say it's all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Little darling, i feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
And i say it's all right
It's all right
Adventures in Urgent Care
Anyway, I woke up Friday morning the day we were to leave for our trip to horrendous pain....I mean screaming agony...OK...there will be no working today....I call in sick...call my doctor...she is out until Tuesday...but you can go to the local Urgent Care...for treatment....I'm told....
Now, I am sure every major city in America has an urgent care....if you are not familiar with these types of places allow me to describe them to you....they are the last place on earth you want to go to on a Friday morning. They are basically like a small emergency room without the emergency part thrown in. You could walk into one of these places....with your arm severed and you passing out from blood loss and they will tell you to take a number. So, the last place I wanted to be was Urgent Care, but I have a trip and I know that I will not survive if I don't get some drugs. So I wait and I wait and I wait and guess what....I wait some more....HOLY SHIT...I ever wait....3 flipping hours and guess what...another lady that was there after me got seen before I did....
I don't know how many of you have ever had to suffer from a bladder infection, but let me tell you .....they are not a walk in the park. They hurt all the time until you can at last take a little brown pill that turns your urine a florescent shade of orange...that the astronauts can see from outer space....then you find relief....but guess what...you can not take this miracle pill until....you guessed it....you pee in a cup.....try being 200th in line to pee in a damn cup....come on people....
So I finally get back to see the doctor and she insists that I have some other sort of infection, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis….Lady I know that your day is spent picking up snotty rags and listening to old/under privileged people tell you about every ache and pain, but unless someone crawled into my bed, slept with me or my husband without our knowledge (not including the alien probes we had a few months ago…lol) I am pretty damn well certain I don’t have any of those things…..oh…but we must check…so to get 24 little white pills of Cipro to cure my bladder infection I had to endure a pap smear, a blood test and some sort of scrap of my check…I guess that want to determine if I am the mother of Anna Nicole’s baby…..
BTW…I am feeling much better!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Small Town Saturday Night
While we were there my younger daughter got to get her birthday present from my parents a little violin. She has been wanting to get one for the longest time....but I just haven't made the time to go and get her measured for one. She loves it....but I can already tell this is going to be a noisy gift...OH Well, the joys of having kids...with grandparents that spoil them rotten...
This was the first trip back home that I really felt like I was really able to just be myself and not feel like I had to put on airs for anyone. I just let my hair down and was totally who I wanted to be...and you know what....my family was OK with it. I mean I didn't do anything to shock anyone or to make anyone one think I had changed....I just was ME....and my Mom actually commented on how much she liked the "new" me....hhhmmm...wonder what she thought about me before...LOL.
The drive was the worst part of the whole experience....it sucked...it always does...10 hours in a car driving with others on the road that don't want to be there as much as you don't want to be there makes for extreme ROAD RAGE!!!
Unfortunately for me, tomorrow is a work day...I know that many places will have the day off and it will make my commute that much better...but man...right now I really don't want to get up in the morning for work...
I am sure I will have some more tales from the weekend at some point this week...at least I will have material to write about....
Happy Reading!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Can you say...WHATEVER!
Your Candy Heart Says "Cutie Pie" |
![]() You always seem to have a hot date, even though you never try to meet anyone. A total charmer, you have a natural appeal that keeps you in high demand. Your ideal Valentine's Day date: multiple dates with multiple people Your flirting style: 100% natural What turns you off: serious relationship talks Why you're hot: you're totally addicting |
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
New layout...

What to blog about today……

Well, I guess I have already blogged about valentines day yesterday….I guess I can blog about what my valentines day was like. First of all my kids were not with me today, which was fine because I am not big on celebrating Valentines Day with my kids. I mean I love them and they are my kids, but Valentines day is for lovers….and I don’t think that means that I have to celebrate with my kids....I mean I will buy them a gift and some candy, but they don’t necessarily have to be WITH me on this day
For those of you who read my blog on a daily or even regular basis you will be surprised to find out that I had a hard time getting into celebrating this Valentines Day with my husband. We have been having some major problems in our relationship….I mean major problems. Problems so big that I was thinking about cheating or leaving or both. We are still having problems and while we are both at fault and both working on trying to get the love back in our relationship we are both really sensitive to everything each other says. I can say something as simple as I was thinking about how things used to be when we would do things together and he would take offense at it because he felt like I was putting him down..
Anyway, I didn’t really know if things are really getting better or if we are just glossing over the real issues. I think back to 6 years ago when we met each other. I was just ending my last marriage and really shouldn’t have been dating or anything. However, I wanted someone in my life. One thing led to another and next thing I know we are living together and talking about marriage….then I am walking down the aisle. I guess looking back I should have waited and thought about it more.
Does that mean that I don’t love him….no…I believe that I do love him…I just wonder if I am still IN love with him. I mean he does things that are so annoying and I just want to smack the shit outta him and tell him to snap outta it. Things that I didn’t know or realize he did before….like tap his foot when he reads or crunches his ice….or types with two fingers or drinks with his pinkie up…
I know most of these things sound really trivial and stupid…and they probably are…and I know that it is these little things that are just the symptom of a bigger problem that is not being dealt with. I know that there is something else lying in the back of our marriage that is lurking and waiting to pounce…..and I find myself questioning if I will want to fight to save this marriage once that lurking thing does rear its ugly head.
The one thing I realized about relationships and Valentines Day is that if you are in a good one and you are in love or even lust then shopping for gifts cards etc is easy. But when your relationship has hit a low and you have to find a card/gift/etc….for someone who annoys the piss outta you….it is hard. I swear I was standing in the damn Hallmark store for an hour the other day going…Nope I don’t feel this way….OH that is too mean to get….yes I want to bang his head into a brick wall….no they don’t make cards that say that…
The other day when I was watching TV and I saw the commercial with the bunny that was singing the telegram to the girl who was being broken up with because she was not in her boyfriends cell phone network….I laughed out loud. My husband was like that is mean…it was a fucking joke…ya jerk….made to sell stupid phones. For about a ½ second I thought…what a great way to breakup with someone….maybe I can do that to end my marriage….
I still don’t honestly know what is going to happen between us. I honestly don’t know if I want to work it out…I honestly don’t know how I feel about marriage at this point….
The one thing I do know….finding a card this year was HELL.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
St. Valentine.......I Hate this Holiday!

Junie B. Jones.....

Monday, February 12, 2007
Pandora’s Box

Have any of you heard of this on MSN. This is their radio/music player. I know it is not called Pandora’s box, but it is called Pandora radio. What does that make you think about in your mind……when I hear Pandora I think of all the evil things in the world. I mean wasn’t she the one that opened the box and let lose all the miseries of the world – greed, vanity, lust, slander, envy – come on now….
What was left in the box…HOPE. Why didn’t hope come out to play? Was it afraid it might get beat up by the other things in the world…..and why was Hope the only good thing in the box….well…wait…there was greed and lust….those are both good right?
Who decided to leave Pandora alone with the box….I mean if there was that much bad stuff inside did it not have a lock on it….or a combination….and why was she snooping anyway. What was she hoping to find…gold, jewels…the next issue of People Magazine? Once she opened it and found all the bad stuff had escaped…how did she plan on hiding it….I don’t think OOPPS would cover it….I mean the world went dark and all the evil things were being played out….how could she just say…sorry…didn’t mean to do it…
I know this post makes no sense…and for that I am sorry….maybe if my day gets better I will try again later…
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Picture with no braces
However, after being on there several months I have learned that I really really really enjoy it. My husband hates that I spend so much time online between blogger and MySpace. I have found so many old friends from college (and a few from high school). I have had a chance to catch up with some people that I thought would never be in my life again.
For example:
A college roommate who now has a child of her own and a single mother....she is one of the strongest people I know and has the cutest little girl.
My good friend from college that I absolutely fell in love with and was so honored when he shared a huge life secret with me.
My study partner in college who without her I would have falled Governmental Accounting and Statistics
My soriety sisters in college that showed me how to walk home drunk, how to have multiple boyfriends, how to get free lunch in the cafeteria
A high school friend whose parents and my parents were best friends and we would get to hang out on the weekends while our parents played games and such
My long lost cousin....well not really long lost, but I talk to her way more now than I ever did growing up and we were like sisters
My very best friend from high school who I lost touch with and really don't know why...I am sure there was a reason and I am sure it was dumb
Anyway I am not saying that MySpace is for everyone.....but if you are curious....take a peek
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Rachel Emma
She just recently had to make a big decision about her life (that is literally life vs. death) and has made a very courageous choice.
Let's all go over an encourage her!
Favorite Things Post
So I will re-create it again....it will probably be better this time...
BTW....thanks to EC for the links...there will soon be a new look to my blogger
and Thanks to LIV for the comment about the new edgier posts.....yeah...I am now taking on a no holds barred approach...
Love me or leave me....or maybe love me and then get the H*LL out....LOL.
Andrew.....thanks for commenting on my blog...it was great to see you here...
1 AM and now I am sleepy
However, I am a good wife and I let him go...ha ha....I was actually looking forward to him being gone when I was ready for bed because I really thought...Hey I can fall asleep with the TV on...and I can have the whole bed to myself for about 2 full hours.
Well...WTF...I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. I tried everything...watched the history channel....got sucked into some show there...switched to another channel...discovery...nope...something about whales on that channel that I totally got sucked into....DAMN...
So needless to say I am pooped and tired today...I just wish it had been for a really good reason...like all night sex or a really good party in which men got naked...or being on a winning streak in Vegas...but no...I am pooped because I decided to watch "Why Colombine happened" and "The migrating patterns of the blue whale".....I feel so OLD
Well, yesterday was D-day so to speak. It was the day the braces came off. Now when I was bout 12 I got braces and I remember a very different experience of the braces coming off. It was painful and my teeth hurt for days after. Plus I had to wait a week to get my retainer. By the time my teeth had moved slighty enough for the retainer to give me a headache for a few more days until everything adjusted.
Being young and not wanting to really pay attention or listen to anyone I didn't wear my retainer nor did I have my wisdom teeth pulled like I should have. So my teeth shifted...thus the desire to have braces a second time.
Yesterday it was realitively painless. The most painful part was the polishing of my teeth to get all the crap off of them (glue and buildup) but other than that it was not painful. My gums are a litte sore from neglect....it is hard to floss well with braces and my teeth are a little sore today. But my teeth are so pretty.
I get my retainers tomorrow and I am so excited because I get clear retainers. They are basically like permanent invisaligns. My orthodontist has said that as long as I wear them my teeth should never shift. I am so excited and I plan on doing it this time....I can't afford not to.
Once I get a decent pic I will post me and my new (straighter) smile!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Favorite Things about the Internet
I decided since I am so addicted to blogging and other things on the internet I would do a listing of all the things I love about it.
- Blogger.com - I love blogger for several reasons...it is free, it is addicting and you can be a vouyer of others lives with just a few clicks
- Google Images - where else on the internet can you find pics/gifs/clipart of everything you need to put on your blog/myspace/homepage. This place has so many images you could spend hours just looking at all of them
- DOOCE.COM - This lady is one of my favorites to read....I love love love her
- MSN Messenger (Yahoo!Messenger) - I don't know if these really count as part of the internet, but I love them both equally.....I love being able to chat with anyone anywhere anytime...and my typing skills have improved so much.....
- Romulus2 - the best internet short hand list of all time....love to go here and use it in number 4 to confuse my peeps
- http://www.blogexplosion.com/ - my new addicition that feeds my blog addiction...go there...be amazed...LOL
- Free internet mail.....love it (gmail, hotmail,yahoo mail)
- MySpace - love it....made so many new friends....found so many old ones....love the music section...love the comedy section.....love the everything else section
- Online banking.....hello...i can surf, chat and pay my bills all at the same time....multi-tasking is a wonderful thing....
- Old Navy - OK...seriously true...I love love love Oldnavy.com.....i have pretty much got all of my summer gear ready and will be working in my girls stuff soon...$5 shipping...gotta love it.....
- Any photo hosting site.....(shutterfly, photobucket) love them all use at least two or more of them......
- You Tube - I love you tube...I just got an account.....i have been uploading videos like crazy.....it is so much fun...and I love the ones where people are just making idiots of themselves......so great!
I am sure there are more things, but I can't think of them right now....so I am going to sign off....have a great day
I'm a loser baby....
Monday Monday!
Monday Monday (Mamas and the Papas) Video below
Ba-da ba-da-da-da
Ba-da ba-da-da-da
Ba-da ba-da-da-da
Monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
So good to me (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Monday mornin, it was all I hoped it would be
Oh monday mornin, monday mornin couldnt guarantee (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
That monday evenin you would still be here with me
Monday, monday, cant trust that day
Monday, monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh monday mornin you gave me no warnin of what was to be
Oh monday, monday, how could you leave and not take me
Every other day (every other day), every other day
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever monday comes, but whenever monday comes
A-you can find me cryin all of the time
Monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
So good to me (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Monday mornin, it was all I hoped it would be
Oh monday mornin, monday mornin couldnt guarantee
That monday evenin you would still be here with me
Every other day, every other day
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever monday comes, but whenever monday comes
You can find me cryin all of the time
Monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
So good to me (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Monday mornin, it was all I hoped it would be
Oh monday mornin, monday mornin couldnt guarantee
That monday evenin you would still be here with me
Every other day, every other day
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever monday comes, but whenever monday comes
You can find me cryin all of the time
Monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Cant trust that day (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
It just turns out that way (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Whoa, monday, monday, wont go away (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Monday, monday, its here to stay (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Oh monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Oh monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da)
Friday, February 02, 2007
Come one Come All…to my battle of the blogs. I have just issued my first battle of the blogs and it was accepted by LocalGirl. Please go here ----- > to help me win this week!
Thanks in Advance –
PS There is no guarantee of a payout or bribe for voting for my blog *AHEM* Chocolate may be distributed at the back door* AHEM*
I really need to get this cough checked out!
Now introducing BA (Bloggers Anonymous)
For DramaMama:
BA a support group for those of us guilty of one or more of the following:
- Those of us blogging our own lives, feelings, thoughts or minds despite others not reading and telling us it is really boring
- Those of us addicted to others blogs in such a way that life stops being enjoyable if the Starbucks waiter takes longer to take our order than we deem is necessary because someone has updated their blog
- Those of us to incessantly check other blogs through out the day just hoping beyond hope that in the last 7 ½ minutes or so someone has updated their blog
- Those of us who learn about celebrity gossip, new trends in fashion, the latest FDA drug approved or who is running for president not from the headlines on the news sites but from someone’s blog who has an opinion about one or all of the above….and can link them all together in a train of thought we understand
- Those of us who have given up the hope of a clean home, no laundry, a firm buttocks or other life goal to blog about why we are unable to have all of these things
- Those of use who have missed one or more of the following because we were busy blogging:
a. Birthday of a child/spouse/both
b. Doctor appointment
c. Hair appointment
d. Taking something out of the oven that is now burnt
e. Your child’s recital/other special event
f. __________________ (fill in the blank)
For those of you out there with this addiction, remember is it a disease and should be treated as such. Treatment for this disease is not costly, but it is time consuming and the withdrawal symptoms could include but not be limited to:
- Screaming your opinions at the TV screen and wondering why they are not talking back
- Moving your fingers in such a way that your spouse wonders what you are doing (in your mind you are sitting at your computer typing)
- Making frequent trips to the mailbox hoping that new mail has arrived and not remember that the postman comes once a day and not at all on Sunday
- _________ (fill in the blank)
There is hope. Starting today I am going to host a BA meeting every Friday. You can come with me to your local Starbucks….cost of admission is free, but make sure you bring you laptop equipped with a WI-FI connection so we can all blog happily….out of the sight of our spouses.
Happy Blogging!
Blog Explosion
Nothing is exciting in my life. I am an ordinary person, with ordinary problems, an ordinary (although sometimes strange) husband, but two really great kids. (I mean really who doesn’t think MY kids are great…LOL)
However, now that I am once again excited about blogging I will probably be here more often and posting about more random things that either happen in my life or don’t happen in my life. Like DramaMama (here is a plug for you) I make up blogging posts in my mind. I think of silly things to write about, but then figure that they are not interesting enough to post so I discard the idea….well no longer. I will write about the mundane, the exciting….but probably mostly about the mundane.
Hope you can keep up!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Brandy Sued!

I hate when I read stories about people exploiting celebrities when something bad happens in their life. They see a paycheck and figure this will be their nest egg. $50 million will not get your loved one back, and I am not even sure that it will ease your pain...but it sure as heck will buy a great house/car/etc.
Sorry just my little rant for the day!
Sorting the laundry
What is it with men and sorting the laundry? You can always tell who is doing the laundry in my house by how the loads come out of the dryer. If I am doing it the loads are sorted by color (lights from dark), whites, towels, jeans and any blankets or other laundry is done in separate loads. My husband on the other hand will take the laundry and just grab an arm full and then put it all in the washer. It doesn’t matter if there are pants, white and towels all in the same load, in it goes. This drives me crazy. I mean how hard it is to sort the laundry before you put it in the washer. It takes all of about two minutes to sort it as you are taking it out of the basket.
Now, I don’t know if others out there sort your laundry, but there are several reasons for doing this:
1. It saves time. I mean it really does save time because if you are having to fold underwear and jeans and towels that is like three trips to three different parts of the house
2. NO PINK UNDIES. It may work for Sheriff Joe in Tent City, but I personally like my undies to stay white, if that is the color they came home as
3. Lint sticks…sometimes forever. If you are like me and have a husband that doesn’t sort you have probably ended up with your best pair of black slacks in the same load as white towels. No lint roller is strong enough to get that stuff off.
4. Despite what Cheer advertises….color do run and blue really likes to get into yellow’s territory……end result….ugly spotted green…
I am sure there are more, but I can’t think of them right now. If you have any others, please let me know.
You call this FAT!

I just got around to looking at my new issue of People magazine today. On the cover is Tyra Banks with this caption. In reading the article I learned that she has gained like 30lbs over the last 5 years…OMG. Heaven forbid that she actually look like a regular woman….BTW…I think she still looks great. Her attitude about the whole thing is great. She is truly someone to admire in regards to how she sees herself and her body image. It is a part of her and not all of her.
As a woman I have issues with body image also. It is a hard thing to turn off. My two biggest things I absolutely hate about my body is my cellulite on my legs and my acne scars on my face. These are things that no amount of working out, chemical peels or plastic surgery can fix. These are things that I have had to learn to live with and accept as a part of my image.
Having two little girls has taught me a lot about what you can and can not say about your body without making them also overly body conscience. I learned this the first time last year when I make a side comment to my husband that I would like to suck all the fat outta my tush and put it in my boobs. Well, my oldest daughter started weighing herself daily after that. She started keeping track (secretly) of what she weighed on a daily basis. She is 11 and weighs all of 80 lbs (soaking wet) and is about 5 foot…so she looks great. In addition, she totally got her Dad’s muscle tone and does not have a lick of fat on her anywhere.
Shortly after discovering this I learned that my youngest daughter was counting fat in her food. Where she got this from I have no idea, but it bothered me…quite a bit. So I made an appointment with a nutritionist and talked to her about body image in young girls. I knew that it had gotten bad since I was a teen, but I didn’t know is that many girls nowadays are more likely to be bulimic or anorexic because of the images seen on TV and in magazines.
I guess my whole point of this post that you can be the most influential person in your child’s life. They really do listen to you and watch what you do. They are little sponges and they are paying more attention when you don’t know it than they do when you are trying to teach them…..be aware of all the things you do….because little eyes, ears and minds are paying attention.