Thursday, February 08, 2007


I have a MySpace account that I check on a daily basis. I mainly got into MySpace because my daughter was on there and I wanted to see who she had as friends and mainly to keep her safe.

However, after being on there several months I have learned that I really really really enjoy it. My husband hates that I spend so much time online between blogger and MySpace. I have found so many old friends from college (and a few from high school). I have had a chance to catch up with some people that I thought would never be in my life again.

For example:

A college roommate who now has a child of her own and a single mother....she is one of the strongest people I know and has the cutest little girl.

My good friend from college that I absolutely fell in love with and was so honored when he shared a huge life secret with me.

My study partner in college who without her I would have falled Governmental Accounting and Statistics

My soriety sisters in college that showed me how to walk home drunk, how to have multiple boyfriends, how to get free lunch in the cafeteria

A high school friend whose parents and my parents were best friends and we would get to hang out on the weekends while our parents played games and such

My long lost cousin....well not really long lost, but I talk to her way more now than I ever did growing up and we were like sisters

My very best friend from high school who I lost touch with and really don't know why...I am sure there was a reason and I am sure it was dumb

Anyway I am not saying that MySpace is for everyone.....but if you are curious....take a peek

1 comment:

Erin said...

You know, I would love to do that, but I really have no idea how to find anyone on that thing!