Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm a loser baby....

Well, my very first battle of the blogs was a BUST. I LOST! 7-8!!!! That sucks...and now...I have to go cry in my Cherrios...excuse me!!!


Erin said...

Don't you fret, and don't give up!

I love your blog - but unfortunately the people with the standard templates often lose the battles. Maybe if you use a free template to spice it up a bit? I have a ton of links if you need them! Let me know :)

Andrew said...

I tried Blog Explosion for a few days until I realized you could actually buy credits to get your blog read. That left me feeling disillusioned about the whole affair. I couldn't afford to buy credits.

I hope you are okay today. I have been enjoying your more frequent updates around here. Don't quit blogging!
