Thursday, February 01, 2007

You call this FAT!

I just got around to looking at my new issue of People magazine today. On the cover is Tyra Banks with this caption. In reading the article I learned that she has gained like 30lbs over the last 5 years…OMG. Heaven forbid that she actually look like a regular woman….BTW…I think she still looks great. Her attitude about the whole thing is great. She is truly someone to admire in regards to how she sees herself and her body image. It is a part of her and not all of her.

As a woman I have issues with body image also. It is a hard thing to turn off. My two biggest things I absolutely hate about my body is my cellulite on my legs and my acne scars on my face. These are things that no amount of working out, chemical peels or plastic surgery can fix. These are things that I have had to learn to live with and accept as a part of my image.

Having two little girls has taught me a lot about what you can and can not say about your body without making them also overly body conscience. I learned this the first time last year when I make a side comment to my husband that I would like to suck all the fat outta my tush and put it in my boobs. Well, my oldest daughter started weighing herself daily after that. She started keeping track (secretly) of what she weighed on a daily basis. She is 11 and weighs all of 80 lbs (soaking wet) and is about 5 foot…so she looks great. In addition, she totally got her Dad’s muscle tone and does not have a lick of fat on her anywhere.

Shortly after discovering this I learned that my youngest daughter was counting fat in her food. Where she got this from I have no idea, but it bothered me…quite a bit. So I made an appointment with a nutritionist and talked to her about body image in young girls. I knew that it had gotten bad since I was a teen, but I didn’t know is that many girls nowadays are more likely to be bulimic or anorexic because of the images seen on TV and in magazines.

I guess my whole point of this post that you can be the most influential person in your child’s life. They really do listen to you and watch what you do. They are little sponges and they are paying more attention when you don’t know it than they do when you are trying to teach them… aware of all the things you do….because little eyes, ears and minds are paying attention.

1 comment:

Angel said...

It is pretty sad to see what society has put on women as a good and bad body image, not to mention how contradictory they are. It's up to the mom's and dad's to teach their daughters to love themselves and not to pay attention to what society says is skinny or fat. Trust themselves.

Good post:) By the way, Tyra maybe hawt and all but she has the creepiest and ugliest belly button I have ever seen. I shudder at the site of it. But kudos to her for not having it altered.