I usually don’t remember my dreams that I have at night, but when I do it is usually because there is something profound that has happened in them that make me stop and think about life. Last night I had one of those dreams. Before I can tell you about it I have to give a little background into my life….I apologize in advance if this becomes a long post.
When I was a sophomore in high school I had my first real love. He was a guy that had been dating a girl I knew and I always thought he was a real cutie. Well, after they broke up he and I started dating. We fell in love and got very serious very quickly. Needless to say, I was crazy about him and I thought that we would spend the rest of our lives together. Well, my parents thought that we were getting to involved and basically wanted us to end our relationship, which I did….but I really really really didn’t want to.
Fast forward about 2 years, he and I still talk on occasion, have some of the same friends and just in general keep tabs on each others lives. He ends up having a baby with a girl, who he doesn’t marry and I am crushed knowing that I can never again be with him. Well, about six month after his baby is born he is killed in a car accident. It hit everyone very hard, but my family loved this guy. My brother loved him, my parents loved him, and I loved him. It was a huge and tragic loss for all of us involved. Still to this day I think about him everyday and wonder what might have been if we had stayed together.
Ok, so now to my dream from last night. I was at home and I must have bee late teens or early twenties. I had just got a call that this guy was alive and doing well. He was living with his parents and they were so happy to find out that he really hadn’t died. I was crying and trying to find out how to get a hold of him because I wanted so badly to tell him I loved him. I called his parents house, called a cell phone, called his brother, called everyone I could think of to try and find him.
Finally, he answered the phone and I could see his smile, hear his voice and almost touch him. I was crying in my sleep, I could feel the tears on my cheeks and I knew that he was alive. The next several scenes in the dream I am trying desperately to get to him. I keep missing him at home, work, school or church. Finally about the time my alarm goes off I see him and get to hug him and kiss him. That’s where it ended.
The funny thing is that I woke up with such a sense of peace and longing this morning. I was peaceful because I know that he is in a better place and I feel like he is somehow watching over me. But I longed for his friendship and embrace this morning. I longed to put my head on his shoulder and cry a million tears for losing him, for hurting him for all the things we should have said/done.
I know that this dream can never be real. I attended his funeral, I saw his body in the casket, I sang the songs, and I cried and was devastated by his death. I have forever tried to find that same feeling that we had together and each and every man in my life has come up short. I long for the love and understanding and trust he and I shared, but I know that I will never again find that with him or possibly with anyone again.
One thing I do know is that for one instant in time I was able to love him and for one instant last night I was able to be with him again.
Loosing a friend like that when you are young is hard, I lost a few to accidents and knowing they missed so much is not easy to swallow.
At least we can still see those people in our dreams. Enjoy the feeling while it lasts.
*sniff* That was a really emotional post, it is obvious that you still love him deeply. I'm sorry that you lost someone who meant so much to you.
Sad post yet filled with some powerful emotions. It always amazes me how certain people in our lives can have such a lasting impact.
There is only one man I have ever been in love with, and I left him more than 8 years ago.
He still haunts my dreams.
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