Sunday, February 18, 2007

Small Town Saturday Night

I have been out of town the last couple of days. My grandmother turned 80 years old or her birthday party to celebrate her becoming 80 years old was this weekend. We made the trip back to NM for the party. It was a really good trip. She had no idea that we were coming or that the party was even happening.

While we were there my younger daughter got to get her birthday present from my parents a little violin. She has been wanting to get one for the longest time....but I just haven't made the time to go and get her measured for one. She loves it....but I can already tell this is going to be a noisy gift...OH Well, the joys of having kids...with grandparents that spoil them rotten...

This was the first trip back home that I really felt like I was really able to just be myself and not feel like I had to put on airs for anyone. I just let my hair down and was totally who I wanted to be...and you know family was OK with it. I mean I didn't do anything to shock anyone or to make anyone one think I had changed....I just was ME....and my Mom actually commented on how much she liked the "new" me....hhhmmm...wonder what she thought about me before...LOL.

The drive was the worst part of the whole always does...10 hours in a car driving with others on the road that don't want to be there as much as you don't want to be there makes for extreme ROAD RAGE!!!

Unfortunately for me, tomorrow is a work day...I know that many places will have the day off and it will make my commute that much better...but man...right now I really don't want to get up in the morning for work...

I am sure I will have some more tales from the weekend at some point this least I will have material to write about....

Happy Reading!


Erin said...

Glad you had a good time!

Um, where are those earplugs?? The Violin!!!! EEK! :)

Angel said...

I'm glad you had a good time! I know road trips... and yes, they can be horrible:) I'm glad you are home safely though.