Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. The day that begins lent for practicing Catholics or non-practicing also as I am not really familiar with the religion. However, what amazes me is that each year I have Catholic friends that give up this or that for lent. One just gave up soda, another gave up swearing, and still another internet blogger (Annabelle) gave up internet usage (I would be out on about day 2).
This got me to thinking, what would I give up for 40 days that would be a sacrifice. I really had to think about this because I really don’t have any vices that I feel I could give up and feel like I was gaining spiritual growth from the experience. Then I thought about it….I would give up goofing off at work…and actually work (GASP, Shock,Terror)…I know. I thought about it a lot today and thought about how much more I could get done in a week if I would just give up surfing the net at work, updating my blog at work, surfing other blogs at work, or in general getting off the damn internet.
However, I know that if I did this I would be a total internet hog at home. I mean I can’t complete go without my internet…it keeps me connected to the world. I mean where else am I going to learn that the USB cable I need for my camera is only available through the manufacturing or that Britney Spears has once again lost her mind or that the next Season of Big Love on HBO will start soon. I mean these are vital pieces of information that I must have to survive…..
But I’ve made a decision….for one day (probably next week) I will no goof off for the whole day. I won’t check personal email, I won’t surf non-work related sites, I won’t text message or call anyone of a personal nature….
Thank God next Friday is a half day- ;-)
1 comment:
Good for you. I, too, have thought about giving up on my slackassery, but I just enjoy it too much!
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