Thursday, August 09, 2007

80 banks statements in one day

I work for a Company that owns about 800 different parcels of land over about two counties here in AZ. To break it down for you…that is a lot of damn land! Anyway, to keep these parcels safe and secure we bundle them together based on location, size, value etc into LLC’s. Now this would be great for most places and the smaller real estate investor, but for a company that owns 800 parcels of land that means about 40 different LLC’s. Now when you break down the math that is only about 18 parcels per bank account right? But, you have to remember that some of these pieces of land are 100’s to 1,000’s of acres.

Recently, it was brought to my attention that we would be purchasing some land out of state. OK, great we are opening ourselves up to new opportunities I’m all for that….but guess what…it is about the same as before…and now instead of 40 bank statements to recon…there will be 80…..

It takes me about ½ a day now to recon all of these bank statements because of the system we use and I can’t recon them all together because each LLC has it’s own file with the accounting system….Anyway, I don’t really have a point here….except to say that when 80 bank statements come to your desk in one day it can be quite overwhelming!

1 comment:

lioux said...

THAT sounds annoying!