Friday, August 24, 2007

OMG...The MEN!

Augs comment yesterday makes me wonder if he has a brother and if so...does he need a wife...LOL.

DraMa...You are a very lucky lady!

Augs wrote:

I accept the challenege!!! I'm not scum! I'm not sure how the challenge works, but all I can add is that I work all day long. I come home cook dinner and lately have been putting both kids to bed at night. The wife has more than enough quiet time to do her school homework. I do all the grocery shopping by myself early on Saturday or Sunday morning. I keep the outside of the house maintained and and I make a mean blueberry cobbler.Git R Done!!!

Now Lioux and you guys stink...Brian you admitted that you are not the man...LOL and Lioux made his female co-worker comment for him...SLACKER!

Augs you saved yourself...but the rest of the male race is still on the SH*T list!!!


Brianinmpls said...

But I am hot, smart and And I don't BS anyone that has to count for something?

Augs Casa said...

DOH!! Now the whole male population is going to be against me!!

Brian has me beat anywho, I am not hot, I am not smart, but I am fun most of the time.

Oh and Lioux has the best comments ever! I want to be like him when I grow up. Ok, maybe not, but I have read a few funny comments he's had on DraMa's blog.

Anonymous said...

Tell me 'bout it, LAB!

lioux said...

I Love, Love, Love commenting!