Thursday, August 23, 2007

I really wish I could blame PMS…

I really wish I could blame my bad attitude and general sense of being pissed off the last few days on PMS. I don’t know what has caused it, but PMS ain’t it…because Aunt Flo has come and gone and PMS isn’t due for at least another 2 weeks. I just really don’t know why I want to literally rip off anyone’s head that comes within 10 ft of my person. The only exceptions to this rule are my two kids….they can come and love up on me or just be general brats and I’m cool with that….but everyone else better watch out…

I think most of my irritability can be blamed on work. If I could just get the MEN in the office to actually think for themselves and do something other than assigning tasks to the two women in the office I really think my life would be less stressful. I really believe that the men in the office don’t know how to use a phone and if they do they don’t know how to call for bids on different jobs. Case and point see Exhibit A:

A male co-worker has decided that a mailer needs to go out to a neighborhood in which we are developing property. The reason for this mailer is to let them know of the upcoming changes and general feel of the development that is going to be taking place. There are about 1900 residential units that need to be informed of these developments. Getting a mailing list is easy enough and even putting together a letter with colored maps and diagrams can be done by this man. However calling a local printing company for a bid is out of his realm of possibility….how do you call and ask for a bid? OMG…you pick up the damn phone, you dial the GD number and you tell them I have a 5 page letter that needs to be sent to 1900 residence, how much would you charge? Think he could do that…NOT A CHANCE IN HELL.

Still not enough for you, well let’s see if I can give another example – Exhibit B:

I wake up this morning to my internet, cable and phone all out of service. Not a problem on a typical day, but my daughter is coming home is afternoon to be by herself for about 2 hours. We have an alarm system, but it does nobody any good if it can’t alert the police/fire/emergency without a phone line. A call to customer service answered by a MAN leaves me feeling like a fool because guess what NOBODY else in the area has an interruption in service. I’m told to call back later because it is early here in AZ and they may have others calling in soon…WTF? I call back and literally rip the person’s head off that answers the phone. I know that it is not his fault HE (again a MAN) has nothing to do with the first phone call, but OMG customer service sucks.

Again, need another example – Exhibit C:

My ex calls with a request to find out how far one location is from another location, sounds like a math problem to me. No it’s not a math problem but a job issue. Apparently he has two new job offers and wanted to know from his home how far they each were. He was not near a computer and apparently his wife couldn’t help him so he calls me…..again WTF? So I give him the information and the A**Hole has the audacity to ask me to PRAY for him. I mean really the man has no faith, no religion and laughs at my faith ….OPENLY….and he wants me to PRAY for him. Oh I’ll pray all right…..but not for his job…

So I am sending out a challenge….for one MAN to come to my website and redeem the whole male race. Slick has put out the challenge to all women to try and beat him in guessing who will win college football games this season….I put this out there as a rival challenge….make me believe that not all men are scum…that they can do something besides scratch their heads and their balls….and make me once again want to believe that there is a good man out there…..that DOESN’T need a woman to do everything for him…Slick this is for you man!

Ladybug….who is off to find some damn chocolate!


Brianinmpls said...

I am your man...wait no I am

But at least I know I am an idiot that has to count for something right?

Anonymous said...

Lioux asked me to comment on this post for him:

Lioux: "You Love, Love, Love me don't you?"

Can't men do anything for themselves?!


Augs Casa said...

I accept the challenege!!!

I'm not scum! I'm not sure how the challenge works, but all I can add is that I work all day long. I come home cook dinner and lately have been putting both kids to bed at night. The wife has more than enough quiet time to do her school homework. I do all the grocery shopping by myself early on Saturday or Sunday morning. I keep the outside of the house maintained and and I make a mean blueberry cobbler.

Git R Done!!!